Dolby technologies improve the entertainment experience, but they do so invisibly, which can make marketing them something of a challenge. Further complicating matters is the fact that Dolby markets to both consumer and professional audiences.

As a creative lead at the company for seven years, I was responsible for web pages, product brochures, white papers, and videos. I also wrote ads for publications like Wired, Box Office, and Variety; developed the company’s first comprehensive product messaging platform; conceived and produced a series of recruiting videos for the HR department; and created brand experiences for product launches and events like CES and the Academy Awards.

Core Team: James Butler, Yusuke Asaka, Fred Neeper, Jackie Sun, Ashley Leifer
What I Did: Interviews, Concept Development, Content Strategy, Copywriting, Copy Direction, Art Direction

Print ad.
Print ad.
Print ad.
Print ad.
Booth at CES.
Launch event for new cinema product.
Technology brochure.
Technical paper.
Industry page.
Case study.
Editorial page.